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Project Leap is an all-volunteer, non-profit corporation that helps raise funds to pay for essential enrichment programs such as:

-Our Multimedia Center

-Salaries for our media center teacher

-Educational software & Project Lead the Way science curriculum 

-Technology needs (computer & printers for teachers, iPads for the students & much more)

Because of these programs our children can continue to experience programs critical to their growth and development!

Every penny donated to Project Leap goes back to the children of Lee Elementary School. From IPad's to projectors, to color printers and a STEM Teacher. All the money that is collected goes to good use for all the children to take advantage of. 

Project Leap is always looking to additional help. We have a board of 5 people and are always looking for additional team members. Roles we are looking to fill are: Auction Chair, Lee-Olympics Chair, Donations Chair, Teacher for the Day Chair, Dine out Chair, Spotting Chair, and so much more! Any help is appreciated! Please reach out to any Project Leap team member or the front office to join!

Our Mission is to raise money for the school's STEM and Technology needs for our children each year. Our first goal of the year is to fund the salary of our exemplary STEM teacher and our librarian. After those costs are covered we then make upgrades to iPads, printers, and last year all new furniture for the media center. Each year with additional funds we can provide more and more opportunities for our children. 

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